Second Annual Benefit Trail Ride
Amazing Grace Equine is at it again! We had SO MUCH FUN last year with our trail ride “safari” that Charlie had to think long and hard to top the theme this year…but she did!!! Please join us on Sunday, May 20 as we ride from Myles Standish State forest equestrian parking lot in “search of the HOLY GRAIL…Monty Python style.” The significant difference being that you actually CAN ride your horses on this 12 mile trail ride instead of just banging two coconuts together to make the sound of hoof beats.
- We start at the Halfway Pond Road Parking Area
- The entry fee is a $25.00 donation – it is NEHT Affiliated (so your miles can count towards year end awards if you like)
- Entries start at 8:30 am – Ride out at 10:00 am
- Please print out and mail your entry form or enter when you arrive on May 20, 2012
- Lunch is provided upon your return.
We will be searching through marked trails for “attack rabbits,” vestal virgins, shrubbery, European swallows, coconuts, dragons, HOLY GRAILS (but not grail shaped beacons atop castles), and more. Whatever you discover while on your quest for the Holy Grail will be redeemed upon your return for a wonderful (and much more useful) prize. This ride will be supported by WZLX Boston Radio who will provide wonderful concert tickets once again! Also you will have the opportunity to acquire a painting by JESSE (the painting horse) who sold a dozen paintings at his last exhibition in support of Amazing Grace Equine!
Last year we had 52 riders who can all attest to the fun they had on this marvelous ride. Come join us this year and have fun while supporting local horses who need your help.
See you there!