Ice Cream Benefit
We invite you to support Amazing Grace Equine! Prepare to eat a lot of delicious ice cream for your favorite cause on Tuesday evening, June 7, 2011 from 5pm–8pm at Friendly’s (located in the Middleboro rotary — junctions of routes 18, 28, and 44).
Write to us and request your coupon now! (Please include your name and an address where you would like your coupon to be mailed.) A full twenty percent of your check that night at Friendly’s will be donated to Amazing Grace Equine! Come hungry and order a delicious Friendly’s dinner with a “Happy Endings” desert. Bring your whole family and all your friends!!
This will be an opportunity to support this cause which you care so much about, and as usual have a great time doing so! We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones as well. See you there!